Reducing the risks of the people, especially the poor and the distressed people, by reducing the harmful effects of natural, environmental and man-made disasters to the tolerable and acceptable levels, making the necessary responses to the urgent response and reconstruction activities and enhancing the capacity of the concerned institutions.
* Monitoring activities related to relief and disaster risk reduction programs.
* Database conservation, management and MIS related activities of social security programs, including VGF.
* Coordination of all types of activities related to disaster risk reduction and emergency response management.
* To undertake relief and rehabilitation activities by linking and coordinating the main categories of different ministries, organizations, NGOs, local government, social organizations (civil) organizations, civil society, all stakeholders to disaster risk reduction.
* All activities related to formulation, compliance, administration, coordination and supervision of emergency relief and rehabilitation programs.
* Social security programs such as TR, VGF, VGD, Kabikha, school feeding program, rural infrastructure development, risk reduction program, road maintenance program approval and monitoring activities.
* Small bridges / calverts for disaster risk reduction, diversion disaster shelter centers, cyclone shelters, flood and shelter construction and maintenance of floods and shelters.
* Preparation and implementation of various development projects / programs related to this office.
* Disposal of disaster disaster and send detailed report in 'D' form.
* Updating Local Disaster Management Committees in light of the Standing Orders of Disaster
* Take remedial and preparatory steps in case of earthquakes, collapses, tsunamis, fires, and disasters in which many people die.
* Improving the information of the land acquired / purchased / purchased by the Ministry / Department for the rehabilitation of Mohaj and to implement the guidance of the superior authority in this regard;
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS